Well-being Economies Alliance for Canada and Sovereign Indigenous Nations
Quick: Think about all the things you care about the most.
How much are they worth?
Chances are they aren’t valued by the current economic model – things like your health, time spent raising your kids or clean water.
Have you ever stopped to think about what the economy’s purpose is? Shouldn’t it be designed to value and provide the things that actually make our lives better?
Money isn’t everything. And yet it’s all we use to measure success. When the monetary value of the economy increases, we are led to believe that we are better off. But the current economic model can’t even consider the value of our relationships or our needs for care and caring.
Enter well-being economies, where your well-being and that of the natural world around you is what matters most.
To achieve a well-being economy, we need to reimagine societal purpose to enshrine all that makes life worth living on a healthy planet.